
AIacademicspace AI academic space 2024年09月06日 10:02

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  • 根据你所掌握的关于[xxx]的知识,润色并续写上面的内容,使得内容更加丰富完整。

    Based on the knowledge you have mastered about [xxx], polish and continue writing the above content to make the content richer and more complete.

  • 请根据以下信息,撰写一份大约(字数)字的致谢,使用礼貌和诚恳的语气,并注意格式和标点。

    感谢对象1: 感谢他们对我的帮助或贡献

    感谢对象2: 感谢他们对我的帮助或贡献

    感谢对象n: 感谢他们对我的帮助或贡献


    Please write a thank-you note of approximately (number of words) based on the following information, using a polite and sincere tone, and paying attention to formatting and punctuation.

    Thank object 1: Thank them for their help or contribution

    Thank object 2: thank them for their help or contribution to me

    Thank object n: thank them for their help or contribution to me

    Please ensure that the content of the acknowledgement is true and sincere, and reflects your gratitude to them. At the same time, pay attention to maintaining the correct format and punctuation.

  • 你是一位学术研究专家。请为研究论文起草一个结构良好的大纲,明确研究的主要部分。







    You are an academic research expert. Please draft a well-structured outline for the research paper, clearly outlining the main sections of the study.


    The outline should include introduction, text method, experiment, result, discussion and conclusion.

    Highlight the core content of the research and ensure a clear outline structure and rigorous logic.

    Considering the overall length of the paper, ensure that the outline is rich in content and not overly long.

    If necessary, add appropriate subheadings or paragraphs to refine the outline content.

    Please ensure that the content of the outline conforms to academic norms and is in line with the research direction and purpose of the paper.

  • 我对[特定术语或概念]的概念有点迷茫。你能在[学术研究]的背景下为我详细解释一下吗?

    I'm a bit confused about the concept of [a specific term or concept]. Could you elaborate on it for me within the context of [a particular academic field]?

  • 请针对[特定学科,例如,'自然科学']中的挑战性术语[A]、[B]和[C],详细解释它们之间的区别,特别是在[某理论]下。请确保解释清晰、准确,并包含对每个术语专业应用的阐述。

    I will delve into the nuanced differences between challenging terminologies [A], [B], and [C] within the realm of [specific discipline, e.g., 'Natural Sciences'], particularly in the context of [a particular theory]. 




  • 你能审查我[文章内容]中的这段摘要,并对[内容深度]"提供反馈吗?,并适当润色。[正文]

    Could you please review this summary of my [article content] and provide feedback on the "[depth of content]", as well as make any appropriate polishing edits to it? [Body of the text]

  • 你需要根据前面给出的示例,仔细检查并报告段落“XXX”中的所有语法和拼写错误。

    You are required to report all grammatical and spelling errors in accordance with the above example. Here is the paragraph: XXX.

  • 作为一名专注于[你的研究领域]的研究者,我当前正致力于修订我的手稿,以期达到向[你的投稿期刊]投稿的标准。恳请您协助我确保文稿的语法与拼写完美无瑕。在此,我无需对文本进行风格上的润色,仅求准确无误。若发现任何语法或拼写上的纰漏,烦请您在Markdown格式的表格中详细列出,其中第一列保留原始文本,第二列则填写更正后的文本,并将您修正的关键词以粗体形式突出展示,以便一目了然。若文本已臻至善,也请不吝告知:“这段话很好”。

    As a researcher specializing in [your research field], I am currently working on revising my manuscript to meet the submission standards of [your target journal]. I kindly request your assistance in ensuring that the grammar and spelling of my manuscript are flawless. At this point, I do not require any stylistic edits; rather, I seek accuracy above all else. If you discover any grammatical or spelling errors, please list them in detail in a Markdown-formatted table, with the original text in the first column and the corrected text in the second column, highlighting the corrected keywords in bold for easy identification. Should the text already be impeccable, please do not hesitate to inform me with the reassurance: "This paragraph is excellent."

  • 主语和动词在这句话中不一致。请改正。

    The subject and verb do not agree in this sentence. Please correct.

  • 这句话在语法上是不正确的。请修改。

    This sentence is grammatically incorrect. Please revise.

  • 这句话似乎不合适。请重新措辞以表达更清晰。

    This phrase seems out of place. Please rephrase to improve clarity.

  • 我在这句话中使用了被动语态。考虑改用主动语态。

    I have used a passive voice in this sentence. Consider using an active voice instead.

  • 在提供润色修改后的内容之外,我恳请您能明确指出在修订版本中,具体是哪些段落以及这些段落中的哪几句话得到了修改。这样的详细说明将有助于我更好地理解每一处修改的目的和效果,从而确保文稿的质量得到全面提升。

    Apart from providing the revised and polished content, I kindly request that you specifically indicate which paragraphs and exactly which sentences within those paragraphs have been altered in the revised version.

    Such detailed clarification will greatly assist me in understanding the purpose and impact of each modification, thereby ensuring a comprehensive enhancement in the quality of the manuscript.

  • 此刻,您正化身为[您所研究的领域]领域内的资深专家,请基于您深厚的专业知识,审视上述内容,并指出其中是否存在需要调整或完善的部分。请留意,我的请求并非要求您进行全面重写,而是希望您能够逐一标识出那些需要修改的具体点,同时附上您的宝贵修改建议及推荐的替代表述。这样的精准指导将极大地促进内容的精确性与专业性。

    At this moment, you are embodying the role of a seasoned expert in the field of [your research area].

    Based on your profound professional knowledge, please scrutinize the aforementioned content and pinpoint any areas that require adjustment or improvement.

    Kindly note that my request does not entail a full rewrite; rather, I seek your ability to meticulously identify specific points in need of revision, accompanied by your invaluable suggestions for amendments and recommended alternative phrasing.

    Such precise guidance will significantly enhance the accuracy and professionalism of the content.




  • 我期望您扮演投稿审稿的权威专家,协助学生优化论文,减少重复率。根据规则,连续十三个字相同即视为重复。您的任务是通过灵活调整句子结构(如主谓宾顺序变换)、替换近义词、以及适度增减文字量等策略,来有效降低论文的重复部分。请针对以下段落进行这样的修改处理:

    I would like you to act as an expert in the Submission, and help students with plagiarism check for their papers. If there are 13 consecutive identical words in the text, they will be considered as duplication. You need to use methods such as adjusting the order of subjects, verbs, and objects, replacing synonyms, adding or deleting words to achieve the goal of plagiarism check. Please modify the following paragraph:

  • 我请求您作为学术期刊编辑,为我的《自然》杂志投稿撰写封面信。请声明手稿未在其他期刊发表,简述其优点,并总结研究成果的重要性。标题与摘要如下:

    I respectfully request your assistance as an academic journal editor in crafting a cover letter for my submission to Nature.

    Please include a statement confirming that this manuscript has not been previously considered for publication in any other journal, briefly outline its key strengths, and summarize the significance of the research findings.

    The title and abstract are as follows:

  • 作为学术研究专家,分析审稿人的反馈并创建详细的回应计划。

    Act as an academic research expert. Carefully analyze and interpret the [feedback] provided by the reviewer on the submitted research paper.

    Identify key concerns, constructive suggestions, and areas of improvement highlighted by the reviewer.




  • 请帮我来提炼本文的核心观点和建议。

    Condense the main points of this article for me.

  • 这篇文章的主题是什么?

    In which aspects does the author present innovative insights?

  • 在本文献中,出现了很多数据,他们支持了哪些观点?

    What significant arguments does the author utilize to bolster their points?

  • 这篇文章对该领域有何贡献?

    Can you assist in identifying the thesis statement in this article?

  • 对于[研究问题](如“愿望思维在什么情况下更容易出现”)这个问题,这两篇研究的观点是什么?将这两篇研究对以下方面进行对比分析:1. 研究目的。2. 理论框架。3. 实验设计。4. 主要发现。5. 应用和意义。6. 研究局限。

    For the research question (such as "Under what circumstances does wishful thinking more likely occur?"), what are the perspectives of these two studies? Compare and analyze these two studies in the following aspects: Research Purpose, Theoretical Framework, Experimental Design, Main Findings, Applications and Significance, Limitations of the Study.

  • 请按照APA(American Psychological Association)的严格格式要求,对以上参考文献进行校正,确保所有细节均符合标准。特别地,期刊名称需使用全称并设为斜体。完成校正后,请将这些参考文献成以Markdown格式的代码块形式呈现。

    Please correct the above references according to the strict format requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA) to ensure that all details are in compliance with standards.

    In particular, the full name of the journal should be used and set in italic. After completing the correction, please present these references in the form of code blocks in Markdown format.

  • 分享你在本文预测分析中的经验及其在预测未来趋势中的作用。

    Share your experience in predictive analysis presented in this article and its role in forecasting future trends.






