I have a project with

  1. backbonejs
  2. requirejs

and i want to include iscroll v5 but i don't know how i can load it and init it with requirejs...

I already tried to find a solution in any fork of the project but so far i didn't find anything.

I'm a newbie in JS so i need some help with this, anyone can post an example or provide a simple demo?

1 Answer 1


You can include the path of the iscroll plugin in the configuration file where you declare the dependencies and paths for other files.

    locale: 'en_us',

    baseUrl: 'baseUrl',
    paths: {
        // Paths of the libraries being used
        'Iscroll' : 'relative path to the file',
        ......  Other files
    shim : { // If the library does not support AMD
        'Iscroll': {
             exports: 'Iscroll'

Now if you want to use that in a specfic Module, just include it

define(['Iscroll', other args], function(Iscroll, other args) {

  • thanks. but now how i can init a new Iscroll object and pass the div id? i always get an error because Iscroll can't access the id (is alway null)...
    – Zasuk
    Aug 2, 2013 at 1:20
  • Do that in the render method after the element in the template is attached to the DOM Aug 2, 2013 at 1:23