hibernate 执行sql ,select 返回string long

技术集锦 专栏收录该内容
38 篇文章 0 订阅


  1. public Long findSeqTbTest() {
  2. String sql = "select SEQ_TB_TEST.nextval from dual";
  3. SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
  4. String str = query.uniqueResult().toString();
  5. return Long.valueOf(str);
  6. }
  1. //获取表中最小的id
  2. String sql = "select min(a.employeeid) from Emplyees a";
  3. Long id = (Long) session.createQuery(sql).uniqueResult();
  4. //获取数据库时间mysql
  5. String sql = "select now() from dual";
  6. String time = session.createSQLQuery(sql).uniqueResult().toString();


  1. public void deleteTbTest(Long id) {
  2. String hql = "DELETE FROM TbTest WHERE ID = ?";
  3. this.getSession().createQuery(hql).setLong(0, id).executeUpdate();
  4. }

  1. public void updateTbTest(Date date, boolean flag) {
  2. String sql = "update tb_test set t_name=? where t_status!=1 and t_date" + (flag ? "<?" : "=?");
  3. SQLQuery query = this.getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
  4. query.setString(0,flag ? "hello": "hi").setDate(1, date).executeUpdate();
  5. }


  1. //尽量避免适用"*"
  2. String sql = "select * from employee e where e.valid=1 and not exists (select employeeid from attendance a where a.employeeid=e.employeeid and a.date = ?)";
  3. SQLQuery query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql);
  4. query.addEntity(Employee.class).setDate(0, day);
  5. List<Employee> retList = query.list();


  1. String hql = "select new map(dept.deptID as deptID,dept.depNo as deptNo,dept.deptName as deptName,emp.empName as empName,emp.empID as empID,emp.empAge as age,emp.empNo as empNo) from Department dept ,Employee emp where dept.depID = emp.depID and emp.empName = ? and emp.sex = ?";
  2. return getHibernateTemplate().find(hql, new Object[] { name, sex });




  1. String sql = "select dept.deptID as deptID,dept.depNo as deptNo,dept.deptName as deptName,emp.empName as empName,emp.empID as empID,emp.empAge as age,emp.empNo as empNo,emp.birthday as birthday from Employee emp LEFT JOIN Department dept on dept.depID = emp.depID where empName = ?";
  2. return (List<EmpBean>) this.getSession()
  3. .createSQLQuery(sql)
  4. .addScalar("deptID", Hibernate.STRING)
  5. .addScalar("deptNo", Hibernate.STRING)
  6. .addScalar("deptName", Hibernate.STRING)
  7. .addScalar("empName", Hibernate.STRING)
  8. .addScalar("empID", Hibernate.STRING)
  9. .addScalar("age", Hibernate.LONG)
  10. .addScalar("birthday", Hibernate.DATE)
  11. .addScalar("empNo", Hibernate.STRING)
  12. .setString(0, empName)
  13. // 将结果集映射为EmpBean对象
  14. .setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(EmpBean.class)).list();
  1. String hql = "from Attendance att where att.employeeid = ? and att.date =? ";
  2. List<Attendance> list = this.getHibernateTemplate().find(hql,
  3. new Object[] { employeeid, workDay });
  4. if (null != list && !list.isEmpty()) {
  5. return list.get(0);
  6. }
  1. String queryString = "FROM Attendance a WHERE a.employeeid=? AND DATE_FORMAT(a.date,'%Y-%m')=DATE_FORMAT(?,'%Y-%m') ORDER BY a.teamname";
  2. Query queryObject = getSession(). createQuery(queryString);
  3. queryObject.setParameter(0, id);
  4. queryObject.setParameter(1, date);
  5. return queryObject.list();
  1. Session session = getSession();
  2. session.clear();
  3. getSession().saveOrUpdate(transientInstance);



  1. public class LocalDaoImpl extends SqlMapClientDaoSupport implements LocalDao {
  2. public void insertBuNaTaxBatLst(final PaginatedList list)
  3. {
  4. getSqlMapClientTemplate().execute(new SqlMapClientCallback() {
  5. public Object doInSqlMapClient(SqlMapExecutor executor)
  6. throws SQLException {
  7. executor.startBatch();
  8. // do some iBatis operations here
  9. for(int i=0,count=list.size();i<count;i++)
  10. {
  11. executor.insert("insertBuNaTaxBatLst", list.get(i));
  12. if (i % 50 == 0) {
  13. System.out.println("----" + i);//没有意义只为测试
  14. }
  15. }
  16. executor.executeBatch();
  17. return null;
  18. }
  19. });
  20. }